
Episode 4: Investing vs. Gambling

Jarrett B. Topel

In this episode, we discuss how to know the differences between investing and gambling.

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Unintended Consequences: IRA Rollovers and the DOL Fiduciary Rule

Gavin L. DiStasi

There has been a great deal of media coverage and talk in the industry of late about the Department of Labor’s Fiduciary Rule,…


Stay in your own lane – Investing in traffic

Jarrett B. Topel

I love living in the Bay Area, and in my view, there are very few drawbacks to calling this part of the world…

Episode 3: Charity

Gavin L. DiStasi

In this episode, we discuss some thoughts on philanthropy and true charity

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Annuities Are Like Air-Bags For Your Portfolio

Jarrett B. Topel

The concept of an annuity, a promise by one party to make a series of payments of a specific value to another for…

Episode 2: Debt Dilemma

Gavin L. DiStasi

In this episode we discuss ways to think of the common question of when or when not to pay off your debt.

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Choosing Between a Traditional or Roth 401(K)

Gavin L. DiStasi

With the rise in the 401(k) plan as the primary retirement savings vehicle for American workers, has come a significant increase in the…

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