TDWM Announcement – Leaving LPL to Form RIA at TD Ameritrade

It is with great excitement that we here at Topel & DiStasi Wealth Management announce our decision to end our seven-year affiliation with LPL Financial, and change our custodial relationship for our client’s investment accounts. We have also decided to register Topel & DiStasi Wealth Management as its own RIA (Registered Investment Advisor), rather than continue to operate under someone else’s corporate RIA as we did with LPL Financial.
There are many reasons for our decision to change, but the overriding factor in making this move lies in our fiduciary duty to always protect the best interest of our clients, and the deep sense of responsibility we feel to continually seek out ways to improve the experience and execution of our services for those who have placed their trust in us to help manage their financial affairs.
And so, after more than a year of due diligence and countless hours of deliberation, we have decided on TD Ameritrade Institutional as the primary custodian for our clients going forward.
TD Ameritrade has the breadth, depth and experience to command our complete confidence when it comes to the custody of our client’s assets, and has consistently earned the highest marks for its technology platforms and integrations with other best-in-class providers. The fact that they have no proprietary products of their own means that they are completely agnostic when it comes to those products and services we offer our clients, and this allows us to employ solutions solely on the basis of their merit.
TD’s open-architecture approach to technology has become the model for all of the other custodians we scrutinized, and presents us with the opportunity to significantly upgrade the technology we use in our practice. To that end, we have made major investments in new software in the specific areas of performance reporting, financial planning, data aggregation and trading/rebalancing, which will be seamlessly integrated into our service model going forward.
While the team here at TDWM is exhilarated about the potential impact of the changes we’ve outlined, we feel it is important to point out that our core values and commitment to providing excellent client service will not change in any way with this move. Our investment management, financial planning and pricing structures will all remain the same, while being delivered in what we expect will be a more effective and efficient manner.
We here at TDWM are utterly committed to the ongoing effort to upgrade each client’s experience, and continually strive to add value to the services we provide. It is our sincere hope that all of the work we’ve done over the past year will do just that, and we are extremely excited for the future.
We cannot thank everyone enough for the trust and support we’ve received through the years, and we look forward to continuing to earn that trust and support as we go forward.