MS Ride Wrap-Up 2021

On September 18th & 19th, for the eighth year, Team Topel & DiStasi Wealth Management completed the two-day charity ride Waves to Wine 2021 in support of the National MS Society, and we just wanted to pass on a few thoughts and impressions of a great weekend on bikes and in the company of so many nice people all rallying for such a worthy cause.

The team did a fantastic job both in their fundraising efforts before the event (we once again raised over $8,000 as a team), and out on the routes each day. In all, the event raised just under $1,200,000 for the MS Society, and we couldn’t be prouder to be a part of such an amazing achievement. It’s always so much fun to ride as part of our own small peloton – snaking our way through some of the most beautiful scenery California has to offer, from San Francisco to Marin County, up Highway 1 and through the vineyards of Sonoma wine country.

I always look forward to arriving at the team village celebration after 80 or so miles on the first day, and seeing what Jarrett has done to get our team tent all set up, but this year, he had a prior conflict and wasn’t able to take part. That meant I had to forego the first day ride, and with the help of my wife Tracy, took over as tent captain to make sure the team had everything in place to celebrate when they arrived. I was a little sad to miss the hard riding of Day 1, but when I found out that there had been some considerable rain along Highway 1, I was just a little less sad, and perhaps even the slightest bit pleased that circumstances had conspired to keep me from riding that day. Despite the challenges, the team arrived in good spirits, and we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening enjoying good food and drink, and getting to know our fellow riders who were there to support the cause. As usual, one of the highlights was the talented (and incredibly strong!) masseuse we hired to help alleviate the fatigue and muscle soreness incurred over the long ride. Christina has been a part of our crew now for four years, and it’s hard to imagine how we ever got back out there for the second day, in the years before she became a staple of our post ride recovery efforts.

Getting back on the bike at 7am for Day 2 is always a bit rough, but once we (well, not me) stretched out the weary muscles and had a little food and coffee, we were back in the saddle, to grind out the final 42 miles. Even though the ride on Day 2 is shorter, with less climbing, somehow it always feels a bit harder to get through; but we did get through it, and by the end of Sunday afternoon, everyone was once again feeling the sense of accomplishment that comes from putting in a hard physical effort for a good cause.

One of the things about this event that never fails to energize me and makes me forget all of the little aches and pains I might be feeling on the bike, is seeing those riders who are suffering with MS, pounding out the miles right along with us. It’s truly inspiring to see folks giving such a great effort out there all weekend, and really puts into perspective so many of the things we take for granted each day. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention the great people at the MS Society who come out each year and work so hard to put on such a great event. Their tireless effort and positive energy are truly infectious.

The fight to end MS is a cause that’s personal to us here at TDWM, but there are so many worthy causes out there, it can be hard to know where to begin. The take away for me though is that, particularly in these crazy times, just coming together with like-minded people to do something positive for your community and those less-fortunate, is so incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, that you just have to start somewhere, and do what you can.

With that in mind, we want to sincerely thank all of the riders, family members, corporate partners and especially the donors, for helping us support the National MS Society and do what we can to aid in this worthy cause.

See you next year!

Topel & DiStasi Wealth Advisors, LLC is a registered investment adviser. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Topel & DiStasi Wealth Management, LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. No advice may be rendered by Topel & DiStasi Wealth Management, LLC unless a client service agreement is in place.