
Charitable Giving Strategies

Jarrett B. Topel

As we come to the end of another calendar year, many people who are fortunate enough to have the ability to give to…

Episode 80: Thankful

Gavin L. DiStasi

In this episode we discuss what we’re thankful for this holiday season

Taxation of Home Sales

Gavin L. DiStasi

The taxation rules relating to selling a home are fairly simple. Be it your primary home or an investment property, the amount subject…

Episode 79: Stocks For The Win

Jarrett B. Topel

In this episode we discuss the long-term advantages of investing in equities

Episode 78: Understanding Tax Filing Status

Gavin L. DiStasi

In this episode we discuss the five main tax filing statuses

Interest in Inflation

Jarrett B. Topel

Inflation and interest rates… Interest rates and inflation.  Anywhere you look or listen these days, you seem to see or hear the same…

Episode 77: Home Basis

Jarrett B. Topel

In this episode we discuss recent changes to property tax rules in CA

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